Digital Twins Are the Future, Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Them Secure While Manufacturing Innovation

As technology continues to revamp existing business models, novel methods of manufacturing and projection are increasingly being used. Digital twins are perhaps the best example of how companies marry technology with the natural world to create innovative solutions. A digital twin is an electronic version of a real-work entity. It allows companies to model business conditions and predict the impact of their choices.

Research by Capgemini reveals that digital twin usage is bound to increase by 36 percent over the next five years. Increased adoption will certainly help enterprises create better products. However, increased use often brings significant security risks.

Data freely flows between the real-world entity and the digital twin. For instance, manufacturers create data flows between a real-world assembly line and its digital twin. This situation makes digital twins prime targets for malicious hackers who can wreak havoc on enterprise systems.

Here are five ways your company can secure its digital twins while ensuring peak productivity. Read More

