Meta AIs shocking insight about Big Data and Deep Learning

Thanks to the amazing success of AI, we’ve seen more and more organizations implement Machine Learning into their pipelines. As the access to and collection of data increases, we have seen massive datasets being used to train giant deep learning models that reach superhuman performances. This has led to a lot of hype around domains like Data Science and Big Data, fueled even more by the recent boom in Large Language Models.

Big Tech companies (and Deep Learning Experts on Twitter/YouTube) have really fallen in love with the ‘add more data, increase model size, train for months’ approach that has become the status-quo in Machine Learning these days. However, heretics from Meta AI published research that was funded by Satan- and it turns out this way of doing things is extremely inefficient. And completely unnecessary. In this post, I will be going over their paper- Beyond neural scaling laws: beating power law scaling via data pruning, where they share ‘evidence’ about how selecting samples intelligently can increase your model performance, without ballooning your costs out of control. While this paper focuses on Computer Vision- the principles of their research will be interesting to you regardless of your specialization. Read More

#data-science, #deep-learning, #big7